Browsing in category 'Customer Experience Satisfaction & Retention'
Are You A Subdued Wallflower or a Spiky Thistle?

In our attempts to promote ourselves, our brands, teams or organisations, there is a sweet spot somewhere between being a Subdued Wallflower and being a Spiky Thistle. We don’t want to be the shy, unnoticed bundle of fear in the corner, and we certainly don’t want to become the brash in-your-face-noise-machine who talks at everyone and connects with no one. […]
Have You Noticed Why No One Listens To You?

Every day I am asked to help individuals, teams and organisations to be noticed, to engage their listeners and to be memorable when they speak. The stark reality is that if people are not listening to you, you’re not interesting enough for them. That’s it. Don’t make excuses, don’t blame them, don’t reframe it, don’t opt out – just hold […]
Smile, We Can Hear You! Does Your Voice Charm or Alarm?

A smile can be charming and distractingly disarming. What better way to put people at ease than with a friendly display of your pearly whites! There is truly nothing more mesmeric than a beautiful smile. However, with a slight change in the facial muscles, and a distinct change of purpose, we notice a grimace of pain, anger or aggression. In […]
Are You the ‘Singer’, the ‘Song’ or the ‘CD’?

What makes you want to listen to music? The singer and their unique passion? The song and it’s compelling melody or lyrics? Could it be the memories of experiences and emotions associated to the song? It’s probably any one, or all, of these depending on each unique situation. Years ago when I was coaching a well known recording artist, a […]